點擊 註冊。 接著,輸入您的電子郵件、密碼和確認密碼,接受條款和條件並再點擊“註冊”。 註冊成功後,您將收到一封來自 Tinyko 的官方郵件。
您的密碼將發送至在 Tinyko 註冊的電子郵件。 按著,:
- 前往https://www.tinyko.com.hk/ 並點擊登錄。
-點擊 '忘記密碼?' link.
- 輸入您的電子郵件,然後點擊 '通過電子郵件發送新密碼'。
- Tinyko 將向您發送一封電子郵件以重置密碼。
- 您現在可以登錄 Tinyko了。
是的,密碼區分大小寫。密碼長度可長達 128 個字符。它可以包含特殊字符、數字、字母和空格。一切都是以您的安全為考量。
Tinyko 有時會發送電子郵件和我們認為客戶會感興趣的資訊。 如果您不想收到這些資訊,請發送電子郵件至 customercare@tinyko.com 並要求從我們的郵件列表中刪除。還請等待 7-10 個工作日生效。
如果您想刪除Tinyko 帳戶,請電郵至 customercare@tinyko.com
登錄您的帳戶並轉到“我的帳戶”選項。 點擊“我的個人資料”。 更新所需信息並再點擊“保存”。您的更改將被更新。
您將在 Tinyko 發送的歡迎電子郵件中收到註冊優惠。這與網站提供的優惠不同。如果您仍未收到電子郵件,可通過 customercare@tinyko.com.聯繫我們的客戶服務。
Yes, All products can be designed on a mobile.
一般來說,大多數最新型號的數碼相機拍攝的相片都是合適的。除非分辨率過高,否則手機相片可能不合適。為了獲得良好的打印質量,應使用至少 300dpi 的圖像、鑰匙扣和馬克杯等較小的商品應使用至少 4MB 的圖像、海報和畫布等較大的商品可能需要至少10MB以上。 如果使用的圖像分辨率較低,您將收到紅色三角形告示。請在將商品添加到購物車之前驗證您的設計質量。
JPEG(.jpg、.jpeg)和 PNG 。每當您上傳到 Tinyko 時,實際上只會將一個副本放入您的帳號中。您的原始數碼照片在計算機上保持不變。
如果文件名不以點和三或四個字母的擴展名(.jpg、.zip 等)結尾,可能是您的計算機設置成了隱藏文件的擴展名。此設置可以更改: 在裝有 Windows NT 的 PC 上:從計算機桌面點擊“開始”,然後從右側菜單中選擇“控制面板”。再點擊“文件夾選項”和窗口頂部的“查看”選項卡。取消有“隱藏已知文件類型的擴展名”的框,然後點擊“確定”按鈕確認您的更改。您現在剋在所有文件名的末尾看到文件擴展名。 備註:如果您使用的是較舊的 Windows 操作系統,這些步驟可能會略有不同。 在 Mac 上:點擊瀏覽器窗口頂部的“Finder”下拉菜單。 選擇“首選項”。在下一個窗口中,選擇“高級”圖標。 選中“顯示所有文件擴展名”旁邊的框。備註:如果您使用的是較舊的 Mac 操作系統,這些步驟可能會略有不同。
點擊“我的照片”,這時將顯示“Facebook”圖標,點擊該圖標。Facebook 網站將在彈出窗口中打開。接著,使用您的 Facebook 登錄個人資料。成功登錄後,從您的 Facebook 帳號的相冊中選擇相片。再來,將相片拖放到設計區域,再繼續設計您的產品。備註:有時某些瀏覽器可能會限制彈出窗口。在這種情況下,選擇“允許阻止彈出窗口”或任何相關的瀏覽器選項以允許彈出窗口。允許彈出窗口後,您可能還需要刷新窗口。
照片數量根據所選產品和主題而有所不同。 推薦:
上傳 1MB 電子相片大約需要 30-40 秒。您的互聯網連接速度越快,上傳相片所需的時間就越短。
您設計的相冊自上次使用之日起僅存儲 30 天。
預覽設計後,您需要驗證並批准您的設計,然後才能繼續訂購。 點擊“添加到購物車”,您的設計將被添加到您的購物車。 檢查個人信息後,您可以結賬並付款。 您將收到我們發送的一封電子郵件,確認您的訂單。
您可以登錄並點擊“我的帳戶”選項。在“我的帳戶”下有一個名為“我的設計”的選項,您可以在其中查看您過去的設計。 您的設計自上次使用之日起僅存儲 30 天。 您需要在 30 天以內訪問設計和相片,以保存設計。
您只能編輯尚未添加到購物車的項目。 一旦將項目添加到購物車,就無法編輯。 如果您想更改設計,您可以“複製”該項目並對其進行編輯。請注意,當您再次將此重複設計添加到購物車時,它將作為新項目添加到您的購物車中,並且不會替換或刪除以前的設計(如果需要,可以從購物車中刪除)。
在產品主題頁面中,點擊主題頁面下面給出的“自行設計”連結。 您將被重定向到設計工具。使用各種背景、剪貼畫、邊框等來設計。
Tinyko 支持以下付款方式:Pay Pal(包括 VISA、MasterCard、DISCOVER、AMEX、eCHECK、PayPal)
5-11 天內。
一旦您收到訂單並發現有缺陷的商品,請立即拍照電郵至:customercare@tinyko.com。我們的客戶服務收到郵件後將與您聯繫。您可能會被要求將訂單發送回退貨地址。請注意,必須在收到產品後 10 天內提出投訴,才有資格獲得更換。
一旦您收到訂單並發現有缺陷的商品,請立即拍照電郵至:customercare@tinyko.com。我們的客戶服務收到郵件後將與您聯繫。您可能會被要求將訂單發送回退貨地址。請注意,必須在收到產品後 10 天內提出投訴,才有資格獲得更換。
請在打開包裹前拍張照片,然後檢查包裹內的商品是否也損壞。如果是,請拍攝商品相片,再把快遞確認的證明,電郵送至 customercare@tinyko.com。我們的客戶服務將與您聯繫。您可能會被要求將訂單發送回退貨地址。請注意,必須在收到產品後 10 天內提出投訴,才有資格獲得更換。
您可以通過 customercare@tinyko.com 聯繫我們。
您可以在購物車結帳處兌換促銷/優惠券代碼。 請注意,大多數促銷活動都有有效期,需要在此期限內兌換。
請通過 customercare@tinyko.com 聯繫我們的客戶服務,並告訴我們您的要求。
可以的,您可以在下訂單後 24 小時內將修改後的地址詳細信息發送至 customercare@tinyko.com。
您可以將您的快遞公司的詳細信息發送至 customercare@tinyko.com,我們會盡快回复您。
在這種情況下,請通過 customercare@tinyko.com 聯繫我們。
您將在 Tinyko 發送的歡迎電子郵件中收到註冊優惠。這與網站提供的優惠不同。 如果您仍未收到電子郵件,可通過 customercare@tinyko.com .聯繫我們的客戶服務。
是的,特別優惠和促銷活動都有有效期,而促銷活動無法延長。另外,您可以訪問 https://www.tinyko.com.hk/zh/offers 了解本月特別優惠。
是的,大多數促銷活動都是可以轉讓的。 您可以與您的家人和親友分享。如需確認您是否可以分享促銷或優惠,請發送郵件至我們的客戶服務團隊 customercare@tinyko.com
是的,在 Tinyko 下訂單需要我們的帳號。要創建帳戶,請點擊“註冊”。用戶可以上傳在設計中使用的相片。但是,一次僅允許選擇和上傳一張相片。
要在購買時添加免費產品,請根據優惠中提供的規格設計免費產品(例如,如果您的免費產品是杯子,則設計杯子),並將其與您購買的商品一起添加到購物車。 結帳時應用您的優惠券代碼。另外,免費產品需支付運費。
不,與其他設計項目不同,Tinyko 目前不提供保存移動案例項目的選項。
要查看送貨信息,請檢查相應產品頁面上的“送貨信息”鏈接。要在購買時添加免費產品,請根據優惠中提供的規格設計免費產品(例如,如果您的免費產品是杯子,則設計杯子),並將其與您購買的商品一起添加到購物車。 結帳時應用您的優惠券代碼。另外,免費產品需支付運費。
Tinyko 從註冊之時起就定期向用戶提供許多有吸引力的優惠。我們定期向訂閱即時資訊的用戶發送優惠郵件。此外,Tinyko 頁面上也有優惠選項供您參考。
將訂單詳細資訊以及有關品質問題的更多資訊發送給我們,我們將在 2 個工作天內回覆您。 如果需要,我們將提取產品,並根據問題的性質進行更換/維修,或提供憑證以重新訂購產品。

Tinyko 客戶可以轉到“邀請”選項來生成個人連結,該連結可以家人或親友分享。點擊您的連結並前往 Tinyko 網站完成第一筆訂單的朋友,將被視為推薦朋友。

只有尚未在 Tinyko 網站上註冊的客戶才能使用推薦連結。

對於每一位推薦的朋友(如上所述),您將獲得 5 個信用積分,價值 100 NTD。

當您的朋友點擊您的推薦鏈接,並到 Tinyko 網站、註冊為客戶、訂購任何商品,而該商品已發貨時,積分將添加到您的帳號。接著,您還將收到一封電郵通知。


您的 Tinyko 積分會顯示剩餘積分。任何未使用的 Tinyko.com 餘額將關聯您的 Tinyko.com 帳號。

獲得的推薦積分將在結帳頁面按照您下一個訂單的商品價值的 25% 自動應用。 您可以選擇不自動申請訂單。



推薦積分最多可存儲 6 個月,上限為 5000 個積分,並應在到期前使用。



開設多個 Tinyko 用戶帳號可能無法賺取推薦積分。



Tinyko 可能會要求您提交其他的信息,以便確定您的餘額。所有有關您的餘額的決定均為最終決定,並由 Tinyko 自行決定。




註冊新帳號的推薦客戶必須是新客戶(不是現有客戶)。 我們將自行決定客戶是否是 Tinyko 的新用戶。


如果一個新客戶從許多 Tinyko 用戶那裡獲得連結,他將只能使用一個連結。 Tinyko 會向使用該連結的用戶提供積分。


Tinyko 可以隨時出於任何原因暫停或終止推薦計劃或用戶參與推薦計劃。如果我們發現任何我們認為濫用、欺詐或違反 Tinyko 服務條款和條件的活動,Tinyko 保留暫停帳戶或刪除推薦積分的權利。

Tinyko 保留審查和調查所有推薦活動的權利,並在我們認為公平和適當的情況下自行決定暫停帳戶或修改推薦。


我們可以隨時更新這些條款,恕不另行通知。如果我們修改這些條款,我們將在 Tinyko.com 推薦頁面上發布修改的內容,修改的內容一經發布即生效。 任何修改後繼續參與推薦計劃即表示同意此類修改。

Click on SIGN UP. Enter your email id, password and confirm password in the form, accept T & C and click on 'Signup'. Once your sign up is successful you will receive a welcome mail from Tinyko.
Your password is sent to the email address registered with Tinyko. Follow these steps:
- Go to https://www.tinyko.com.hk/ and click on login.
- Click the 'Forgot your password?' link.
- Enter your email address and click 'E-mail New Password'.
- Tinyko will send you an email to reset the password. Follow the further procedure accordingly.
- You can now log in to Tinyko.
Yes, the password is case sensitive. The password can be 128 characters long. It can include special characters, numbers, alphabets & spaces.
Tinyko occasionally sends email newsletters and other information that we think will interest our customers. If you do not want to get these, email customercare@tinyko.com and request to be removed from our mailing list. Please allow 7-10 business days for the change to take effect.
User can unsubscribe from the service through mails received on subscription.
If you wish to cancel your Tinyko account, please write to customercare@tinyko.com
Log in to your account and go to 'My Account' tab. Click on ' My Profile'. Update the required information and click on 'Save'. Your changes will be updated.
You will receive your sign up offer in the welcome email that you receive from Tinyko. This is different from the offers that are available on the website in the offers section. If you have still not received your email, please contact our customer support team at customercare@tinyko.com.
Yes,all products ca be designed on a mobile.
一般來說,大多數最新型號的數碼相機拍攝的相片都是合適的。除非分辨率過高,否則手機相片可能不合適。為了獲得良好的打印質量,應使用至少 300dpi 的圖像、鑰匙扣和馬克杯等較小的商品應使用至少 4MB 的圖像、海報和畫布等較大的商品可能需要至少10MB以上。 如果使用的圖像分辨率較低,您將收到紅色三角形告示。請在將商品添加到購物車之前驗證您的設計質量。
JPEG(.jpg、.jpeg)和 PNG 。每當您上傳到 Tinyko 時,實際上只會將一個副本放入您的帳號中。您的原始數碼照片在計算機上保持不變。
If the names of your files do not end with a dot and a three- or four-letter extension (.jpg, .zip, etc.), your computer may be set to hide file extensions at the end of file names. This setting is easy to change: On a PC with Windows NT: From your computer desktop, click 'Start' and select 'Control Panel' from the menu on the right. Double click 'Folder Options'. Click on the 'View' tab at the top of the window. Uncheck the box labeled 'Hide extensions for known file types' and click on the 'OK' button to confirm your change. You should now see the file extensions at the end of all file names. NOTE: These steps may vary slightly if you have an older Windows operating system. On a Mac: Click on the 'Finder' drop-down menu at the top of your browser window. Select 'Preferences'. In the next window, select the 'Advanced' icon. Check the box next to 'Show all filename extensions'. NOTE: These steps may vary slightly if you have an older Mac operating system.top.
點擊“我的照片”,這時將顯示“Facebook”圖標,點擊該圖標。Facebook 網站將在彈出窗口中打開。接著,使用您的 Facebook 登錄個人資料。成功登錄後,從您的 Facebook 帳號的相冊中選擇相片。再來,將相片拖放到設計區域,再繼續設計您的產品。備註:有時某些瀏覽器可能會限制彈出窗口。在這種情況下,選擇“允許阻止彈出窗口”或任何相關的瀏覽器選項以允許彈出窗口。允許彈出窗口後,您可能還需要刷新窗口。
照片數量根據所選產品和主題而有所不同。 推薦:
上傳 1MB 電子相片大約需要 30-40 秒。您的互聯網連接速度越快,上傳相片所需的時間就越短。
Click the "Save" button below on the screen. Note that your project will also be automatically saved at regular intervals while you are designing.
您設計的相冊自上次使用之日起僅存儲 30 天。
預覽設計後,您需要驗證並批准您的設計,然後才能繼續訂購。 點擊“添加到購物車”,您的設計將被添加到您的購物車。 檢查個人信息後,您可以結賬並付款。 您將收到我們發送的一封電子郵件,確認您的訂單。
You can log in and click on My Account tab. Under My Account there is an option called My Project where you can view your past projects. You projects are only stored for 30 days from the last date of use. You will need to access the projects and photos before the 30 days expiry to keep the projects stored.
您只能編輯尚未添加到購物車的項目。 一旦將項目添加到購物車,就無法編輯。 如果您想更改設計,您可以“複製”該項目並對其進行編輯。請注意,當您再次將此重複設計添加到購物車時,它將作為新項目添加到您的購物車中,並且不會替換或刪除以前的設計(如果需要,可以從購物車中刪除)。
在產品主題頁面中,點擊主題頁面下面給出的“自行設計”鏈接。 您將被重定向到設計工具。使用各種背景、剪貼畫、邊框等來設計。
There is no restriction on size of the photo. However, the user has to upload photos of a good resolution(atleast 300dpi) for a good quality output.
There is no restriction on the number of photos that the user can upload and use in the design. However, selection and upload of only one photo at a time is allowed.
Login to the website and click the shopping cart link on top part of the page. Your orders that were added to the cart and not yet checked out will be shown in the shopping cart.
Yes. Once in the shopping cart you can edit the quantity needed and click the Update Quantity button.
Yes. In the shopping cart,click the REMOVE button for the item you would like to delete.
Tinyko supports the following Payment methods : Pay Pal (Includes VISA, MasterCard, DISCOVER, AMEX, eCHECK, PayPal)
Yes. You will be notified if your payment is successful on the website. In most cases your bank will also send an sms.
All orders are shipped, by courier or via the post.
Yes. Your order can be shipped anywhere in Hong Kong. You need to enter the address where the product is to be shipped during your check out. Shipping charges will be extra. Shipping rates are generated automatically when you enter your address or may be updated manually with the 'click to calculate shipping' button.
Click on Track Orders to get a status update of your orders. You will see the list of all orders you have placed. Click on the order number that you want to track, to see the details
You will see the details of your order upon successful transaction, and a confirmation email will also be sent to you.
The estimated time to deliver your order from our facility to your destination address is as follows:
Within 5-11 days.
Note: Number of days refers to business days and estimate only.
Send us your order details immediately after placing order. The order can be cancelled or edited only if it hasn't gone into production. Once the order is printed, it is not possible to make changes or ask for a refund. In case of editing required, you can make the changes and re-order the product with the help of a voucher provided by us. Refund is provided in the form of a voucher/store credit equivalent to the amount spent.
Send us the order details along with photos of the damaged product and any other relevant information. We will analyze and accordingly inform you about pick-up of the damaged product and provide a replacement.
Kindly take a photo of the parcel before opening it. Then check if the product inside the parcel is damaged too. If yes, take a photo of the product as well. Email us the photo of the parcel (and product if damaged) together with the details of the courier acknowledgment receipt at customercare@tinyko.com. Our customer service team will be in contact with you. You may be requested to send the order back to the return address. A complaint needs to be made within 10 days of receipt of the product in order to avail the refund.
Click on Contact Us link and send us your complaint or feedback. We love feedback from our customers.
You may contact us at customercare@tinyko.com
You can redeem your promo / coupon code at the shopping cart checkout. --Please note that most promotions have validity period and need to be redeemed with this period.
Orders once placed cannot be cancelled or withdrawn. When the Goods ordered by you are not available from stock, You shall be notified and given the option to either wait until the Goods are available from stock or cancel the order. Upon such cancellation of your Orders, we shall make the repayment in full the amount, if the amount is already paid by you.
Yes, an invoice will be sent to you along with the parcel.
Kindly contact our customer care service at customercare@tinyko.com and tell us about your requirement.
No, gift wrapping option is not yet available with us.
Yes, you can mail us your revised address details at customercare@tinyko.com within 24 hours of placing the order.
You can send the details of your courier company to us at customercare@tinyko.com and we shall get back to you about the same.
Once you enter the promo code, you will get a message stating that the discount has been applied. Also after clicking review order discounted total price will be displayed.
In this case kindly contact us at customercare@tinyko.com. allowed.
You will receive your sign up offer in the welcome email that you receive from Tinyko. This is different from the offers that are available on the website in the offers section. If you have still not received your email, please contact our customer support team at customercare@tinyko.com.
Yes, special offers and promotions have an expiry date. The promotions cannot be extended. Visit https://www.tinyko.com.hk/offers for the special offers of the month.
Yes, most of the promotions are transferable. You can share it with your family and friends. For conforming whether you can share the promotion or offer, kindly mail our customer service team at customercare@tinyko.com
For viewing product wise shipping cost, click on 'Pricing' link on the product page.
Yes, in order to place an order on Tinyko,you need to have an account with us. To create an account click on 'Signup'. There is no restriction on the number of photos that the user can upload and use in the design. However, selection and upload of only one photo at a time is allowed.
To avail the free product on your purchase, design the free product based on the specifications provided in the offer (for e.g. if your free product is a mug, then design the mug) and add it to the cart along with your purchased item. On checkout apply your coupon code. Shipping charges are applicable for the free product.
No, unlike the other product projects, currently Tinyko provides no options to save a Mobile case project.
To view the shipping information, check the link "Shipping Information" on the respective product page.To avail the free product on your purchase, design the free product based on the specifications provided in the offer (for e.g. if your free product is a mug, then design the mug) and add it to the cart along with your purchased item. On checkout apply your coupon code. Shipping charges are applicable for the free product.
Tinyko makes available, many a attractive Offers to the users regularly, right from the time of Signup. We send regular offer mails to our users who have subscribed to the Newsletter. Also, offers are mentioned on the Tinyko Offers page.
Send us the order details along with more information on the quality issue and we will get back to you within 2 business days. If required we will pick-up the product and will either replace/repair depending on the nature of the issue or provide a voucher to reorder the product.
Please refer to our shipping and delivery times on our website here.
To view the time taken for your order to arrive, click on 'view shipping information' link given on product page.
Refer & Earn

Tinyko customers can go to the INVITE option to generate a customized link which can be shared with friends or known community. Friends who click on your link and go to the Tinyko site to order and get their first order shipped will be considered as Referred Friend.

Only friends , family and community who are not already registered (new customers) on Tinyko site can use the referral link .

For every Referred Friend ( as defined above ), you will get 5 Credit Points worth 5SGD .

When your Friend has clicked on your referral link and directed to the Tinyko site , registered as a Customer , Ordered any Product and the Product is shipped, then Credits gets added to the Credits section of your user account. You will receive an email notification confirming the same.

Go to My Accounts page and click on Credits.

Your Tinyko Credits displays the remaining credits. Any unused Tinyko.com balance will remain associated with your Tinyko.com account.

The Referral Credits earned will be auto-applied at 25% of the Product Value of your next order at checkout page. You may choose not to auto-apply for the order.

The Referral Credits may not be used for Taxes and Shipping prices.

The Referral Credits cannot be combined with other offers on the site for an order.

The Referral Credits can be stored upto 6 months at a maximum limit of 5000 credits and should be utilized before expiry.

The Referral Credits may not be transferred or exchanged for cash.

The Referral Credits can be used on All Products except Prints.

The Referral Credits may not be earned by creating multiple Tinyko user accounts.

The Referral Credits in separate user accounts may not be combined into one user account.

If for any reason there is a discrepancy regarding your balance of Referral Credits, please contact us.

Tinyko may require you to submit additional information in order to make a determination regarding your balance. All decisions regarding your balance will be final and at Tinyko’s sole discretion.

Referral Link should only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes and only shared with personal friends, connections that will appreciate receiving these Referral Invitations .

Referral Link should not be published or distributed where there is no reasonable basis for believing that all or most of the recipients are personal friends ( For Eg: Coupon Websites, etc ).

Referred Friends will get signup offer benefits.

The referred customer who registered the new account must be new (and not a returning or existing customer). We will determine at our sole discretion whether the customer is new to Tinyko.

The referred customer must not cancel the order prior to shipment and the order must not be returned or refunded.

If a person gets links from many Tinyko customers, he will be able to use only one link. Tinyko gives credits to the Customer whose link is used.

If any provision in these terms are held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, such provision (or the part of it that is making it invalid, void or unenforceable) will be struck and not affect the validity of and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Tinyko may suspend or terminate the Referral Program or a user’s ability to participate in the Referral Program at any time for any reason.

Tinyko reserves the right to suspend accounts or remove Travel Credits if we notice any activity that we believe is abusive, fraudulent, or in violation of the Tinyko Terms and conditions of Service. Tinyko reserve the right to review and investigate all referral activities and to suspend accounts or modify referrals at our sole discretion as deemed fair and appropriate.

The number of Credit Points for each Referred Friend , the usage percentage for Product Order, the maximum limit and the Validity can change from time to time. If there is a change then the terms applied will be same as at the time of generating the Referral link.

We can update these terms at any time without prior notice. If we modify these terms, we will post the modification on the Tinyko.com Referral Page, which are effective upon posting. Continued participation in the Referral Program after any modification shall constitute consent to such modification.